
Hurricane in the Server Room

Our new toy arrived, with twelve cores, four GTX580 GPUs, four
terabyte hard disk and 24 Gigabytes RAM. The thing looks quite
impressive from the inside:

Note the four GPUs on the left hand side and the vertical stack of
fans in the center. Together with the CPU fans above the GPUs it is
impossible to sit next to this machine and think clearly. It blows
your head off, or at least it sounds as if it would. Even when almost
unused, this machine produced so much heat our server room could not
discharge the heat anymore. Amazing.

If you ever wondered: A current Ubuntu Server version seems to have no
problems with this specification.


Benchmarking GPUs using the CUV library

Since I started programming GPUs, a few generations of these cards
have been released, most recently the GTX580. I always wondered how
good these actually are and how programs written for one GPU scale to
the next generation.

We have a test suite available here, which is at least of importance
to us: The CUV library. Apart from unit-tests checking correctness of
the implementation, the library also has a few "tests" which measure
execution speed on GPU and CPU for comparison.

Instead of inventing new tests for the benchmark, we simply reuse the
speed tests which come with CUV, as they are probably relevant
use-cases that the programmers optimized for, anyway. A small perl
script that now resides in the scripts/ directory of CUV now
identifies speed tests by their name (*_speed), runs them and parses
their output. We simply collect all values in a defined order and save
them to a file. A larger number of these files can then be analyzed
using a python script included in the same directory, which uses the
superb matplotlib library to draw a bar chart. We use a reference GPU
to compare relative timings.

To cut a long story short, here are the results comparing GTX285,
GTX295, GX2-9800, GTX480 and GTX580:

As expected, Fermi generation cards perform a lot better than the
older generation, the GTX580 also improves on GTX480. Some operations,
which are apparently not implemented well, perform worse with newer
generation cards. The real work horses of our library have definitely
improved a lot over generations, even though we did not spend time on
optimizing them for the later cards.

We're not the first ones to compare these cards of course. Legit Reviews compares the frame rate rendered by the GTX480 and GTX580,
finding only marginal improvements. Brightsideofnews runs many
rendering related benchmarks as well (3DMark Vantage, Unigine Heaven,
Pripyat), with mixed results. However, we're more interested in
general purpose computing (GPGPU) and in writing algorithms for GPU
hardware which then scale with the new hardware, as it becomes


Directory Color Embedding

Do you also save all your experiment data in folder names which
represent the settings? I do. If you have many experiments, however,
this strategy will defy comparison of the experiments, as it becomes
hard to put everything in one plot. The default settings in plotting
programs such as gnuplot or matplotlib do not have a large enough
range of colors, and if they do, it becomes hard to assign the colors
in a meaningful way for exploratory data analysis. The script here
might come to rescue.

Reading pre-processing directory names

We first transform directory names such that test-paramA_0.1 becomes
test-paramA_0000.1, allowing easier string comparison.

import Levenshtein as L
import numpy as np
from colormath.color_objects import LabColor
import os, re

def fillfunc(mo):
    """ returns the matched number, with padded zeros to the front """
    s = mo.group(1)
    while(len(s)<6): s = '0'+s
    return s
def get_unified_names(fns):
    n = len(fns)
    strs = [x for x in fns]
    for i in xrange(len(strs)):
        strs[i] = re.sub(r'(?<!\d)([\d.]+)(?!\d)',fillfunc,strs[i])
    return strs

Creating the distance matrix based on Levenstein string distance

The Levenshtein string distance is a measure of how many
edits/insertions/deletions one needs to transform one string into the
other. With this we automatically derive a dissimilarity measure for
the unified directory strings:

mat = np.zeros((n,n))
for i in xrange(n):
    for j in xrange(n):
        if j<=i: continue
        mat[i,j] = L.distance(strs[i],strs[j])
        mat[j,i] = mat[i,j]
return np.exp(-mat)

Embedding the dissimilarity matrix using Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) in R

The distance matrix does not necessarily directly map to coordinates
in 3D, so we need an embedding algorithm which deals with distance
matrices only.

For simplicity, we call R from python with a saved dissimilarity matrix.

def emb(mat):
    np.savetxt("file.dat", mat)
    res = np.loadtxt("mds.dat")
    return res

Now to the part written in R, which only does the embedding and saves
the result in a text file:

tab <- read.table("file.dat", header = FALSE, sep=" ")
data.m    <- as.matrix(tab)
data.mds <- vegan::metaMDS(data.m, k=3, trymax=50)
write.table(data.mds$points, file="mds.dat", quote=F, row.names=F, col.names=F)

Transforming embedded coordinates into colors

The coordinates are in some – it seems arbitrary – range and
therefore need to be mapped to colors. We want similar colors to have
similar edit distance, we therefore map our coordinates directly to
Lab Color Space and then transform the Lab color coordinates to RGB:

def getcolor(embedded,i):
    #lab = LabColor(0.8,*embedded[i,:])
    lab = LabColor(*embedded[i,:])
    rgb = lab.convert_to('RGB', debug=False).get_rgb_hex()
    return rgb

The resulting string can be used directly in the color specification
of a matplotlib plot and is then best combined with picking to find
out more about a particularly interesting plotline.

Example Embedding of directory names